Saturday, September 02, 2006

Nosy Tomato

The tomatoes are slowly beginning to ripen so I've been checking on them every day and picking what I could before the squirrels get to them. Found this one yesterday! The last of the green beans have pretty much been harvested - they were the stars of the veggie garden, bearing copious amounts of dinner delights. Even Hubby, who used to not think much of green beans was taken with the green bean salads, green beans with red potatoes and smoked sausage, etc, etc. I didn't get around to freezing as many as I did last year since we ate them almost as soon as they were picked.

The early September garden continues it's colorful show and I find much joy and serenity in sitting out there, enjoying the sights and sounds of late summer. Late afternoon is my favorite time of day to sit with a lovely glass of chardonnay and contemplate just how good life is in the garden. Nothing beats the feel of dirt under the fingernails! "-) This time of year, the skies are so blue and the spruces are so green. The birches are just beginning to show a bit of color.


Diana LaMarre said...

I'd like to sit out there with you, Sandy. Could you please make mine a glass of Reisiling or white zin? If you don't have any, I can just bring my own. I buy it by the case. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely garden.