....to blog about this and then actually show you some of the photos I took while doing this.
H had an errand to do with his friends this morning that I figured would take about 4-5 hours. Just enough time for me to get a few things done around the house. After a few leisurely minutes surfing the web, I thought it time to get going on my project. But, where to begin? As I looked around the living room, my eyes wandered up to the ceiling fan and YIKES! I couldn't believe the webs hanging from it!

"Fine," I says to meself, "that's my project for today", and off I go to fetch the ladder and cleaning supplies. As I'm bringing the ladder in from the deck, I notice that the drapes are really, really, dusty. OK, I'll take them down and throw them in the dryer to knock the dust off. Of course, as I'm up on the ladder, taking down the drapes, I notice that the shade on the half moon window above the sliding glass doors is absolutely FILTHY! Right, let's take down the shade - don't know how I'm going to clean it, but down it must come. Ooops! The window is full of dead flies, dust, etc, and grimy to boot. Down the ladder I go to get the window cleaner and paper towels.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice that the plants in front of the sliders really, really, need to be trimmed and the dead leaves, which had fallen onto the floor need to be picked up - oh, and the floor is pretty dusty there.
You can see where this whole thing was headed, right? You guessed it. The little project has now turned into a full scale spring cleaning!
I started at 7:45 a.m. and am just now sitting down to blog about this. It's 12:30 and the living room has never been cleaner. Not only did I clean, dust and sweep everything, but I changed a few of H's paintings on the wall. Boy, is he going to be surprised when he walks through the door!

Ah, but all's well that ends well and the living room and kitchen are both spotless. I'm dead, but life is good! "-)