Today's post seems to be all pink, with the star of the show, the Joe Pye Weed, which is just about to burst forth in spectacular bloom. The bees and butterflies are hovering around the garden in anticipation! I planted this guy about three years ago and it has just taken over the center planting bed. The poor miscanthus in front of it can hardly be noticed so I guess I'll have to move it next spring.
Here is a close up of the buds.....
Just to give you some perspective on Joe's size, here is a shot of H standing in front of it. The garden slopes down, so H is actually standing about a foot higher than Joe. H is about 6 ft tall, so by the time Joe is in full bloom, it will be about 8 feet tall.
Freddie the Frog is thrilled to have the first Zinnia blooming right next to him.
The pink phlox has reseeded all over the garden, but it sure looks pretty.
The pink dahlias are beginning their beautiful bloom, as well.
I have a few impatiens and they all seem to be pink too!
There are a few splotches of yellow in the garden! These sunflowers were "planted" by our numerous chipmunks.
Yep! Despite the soggy weather lately, the garden seems to be "in the pink"! Sorry, couldn't help that one.
Life is Good
Hugs, Giddy
Banana Pudding
6 days ago
Wow, Giddy, what a clump of Joe Pye! It looks great as the centerpiece of that garden. It's hard to believe it's only been growing for three short years.
Love that Joe Pye! Also, love freddie! Great pics.
Your gardens are beautiful. Makes me want to run outside and start working on mine.
Wow, your pal Joe sure is tall!! We have plenty of it in the fields here, so there's no need to grow it in the garden. Same with goldenrod.
Freddie is really cute :)
I love all your pink. It's my favorite flower color.
Thanks for all your kind comments on the Joe Pye weed. I don't think I've ever seen one that tall in the wild. He must love living on top of the septic field!
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