Yes, but it's still a lonnngggggg ways away!
Nevertheless, H and I took advantage of the relatively comfortable weather outside and decided to do a bit of work outdoors. Specifically, to move the woodpile behind the garage to a rack inside the garage so it would be nice and dry when, not if, the next snowstorm hits.
It felt good to get outside in the fresh air and at the end of an hour, we had transferred all the remaining wood from behind the garage. With lots of bending and lifting, we got our aerobic and weight lifting exercise.
My poor fountain looked so forlorn sitting in the corner of the garage. Bet he can't wait to get out into the sunshine.
Since a lot of the snow had melted in the yard, I took the camera around for a few winter shots.
It's been a while since I've seen these pots. They've been under snow since December 3rd.
I had intended to cut back the Joe Pye Weed, but was surprised by the early snow so I guess I'll have to do it in March or April, weather permitting.
The Annabelle Hydrangea looks good any time of the year. This one will get cut down to six inches in March and will grow like a weed, blooming profusely all summer long.
Banana Pudding
1 day ago
Getting out and breathing the fresh air, along with some good exercise is just what we need during these long winter days. Good for you two!
We have a bit more snow on the ground than you at the moment. That seems strange after all your storms and accumulation.
I didn't get many perennials cut back but the birds are enjoying the seeds and perches.
We planted a Limelight Hydrangea last summer. I'm looking forward to seeing it grow bigger and bloom profusely! Do you dry some of the blooms for the house?
Loved the peek at your garden. We also enjoy getting out for our exercise every day. Your hydrangea is lovely :)
Kerri, I have dried the hydrangea blooms in the past, but I thought I would leave them on this year for winter interest in the garden.
Susie, thanks for stopping by. Your California sunshine is always welcome.
Found your blog through blotanical. I've enjoyed browsing through some of your old posts and I'm amazed by what a lovely northern garden you have! And your meals look delicious. I'm anxiously awaiting spring myself as my gardens are hidden under 2 feet of snow. :(
It's amazing that so much of your snow has melted.
I bet the working outside felt great. I could use a bit of fresh air myself!
I love that bird house by the hydrangea. It fits so well with your landscape.
GrĂ¼sse aus Toronto..
The dried Hydrangea blooms didn't last very long in the garden. Most of them where lost after the first major snowstorm. The snow damaged the flowerheads. I planted two Winky Pinky Hydrangea's last fall.
Can't wait to see them bloom.
hello, thanks for visiting my blog and please come back. I haven't had time to blog much due to just being exhausted at night (work - the usual) and haven't visited my blog friends much lately. I am sure when it slows down that will change. Andrea
I've never seen such a neat garage or woodpile! Love your birdhouse collection.
Hi Giddy - so fun to catch up with your posts. I can't believe all of that snow you had is almost gone! How nice to get a peek at the garden. We always think we'd be lucky if we only had 6 weeks of winter left after Feb 2!!
Your breads all look fabulous! I have the peasant bread dough and olive oil dough in my fridge at the moment. My first loaf of the European peasant bread came out so good - pretty and we thought the flavor was wonderful. I made focaccia with the olive oil - so-so - I'll be trying it again though.
So fun to see your kitties and what you've been cooking and peeks at the gardens - I am so looking forward to gardening again!
I agree that you have a very neat woodpile! And, your garage is as neat as your basement!! You guys are so inspiring with your cooking, knitting,gardening, and healthy lifestyle.
Our garden must have been covered up about the same time. I watch the snow level go up and down on the blue garden stand, but don't see bare ground.
Thanks everyone, for visiting. I enjoy reading all your comments and visiting all of your blogs. Until we can get out in our gardens again, Think Spring!
Hugs, Giddy
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