Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Thaw Begins

We should be having 40+ degree weather for the next few days. While it sounds good, it will take more than that to melt the tons of snow we've had in the past few weeks.

Yesterday, we looked out over the bay to see sea smoke, a good indication of how very cold it was.This morning, the day dawned bright and beautiful and I caught this shot just as the sun peeked over the trees behind the house.
This is a picture of one of my whiskey barrel planters at the top of the drive late last summer

This is what it looked like this morning, buried under about 6 feet of snow.
The boys were keeping nice and toasty next to the wood stove until H decided to vacuum the living room. They came flying into the office and jumped onto their window seat for protection.

Later on, Spike went back out to his comfy chair and gave H a wilting look! Don't mess with his Majesty's comfort.
Now, if you really have nothing else to do today and would like to view a Photo Show of my garden, copy this and paste it into your browser: It's best to copy it into the browser because it sometimes has difficulty loading if you just click on it.


Kerri said...

Our weather is doing the same thing as yours, but with less snow here we're seeing some patches of bare ground...and mud. Yuk!
I enjoy those comparison pictures. It reminds me what we have to look forward to :)
The boys sure keep you entertained, don't they? Jasmine likes to stalk the vacuum and seems totally unafraid of it. She had a sleepover at Bailey's this weekend while we were off visiting our grandsons (and their parents:)
Ross and I loved your summer garden slideshow! What a nice way to share your garden...and a lovely 'Christmas card'. Thanks Giddy :)

Lisa at Greenbow said...

What handsome cats. How dare H disturb his Majesty.

Your snow is awesome. I love the picture of the sea fog. Wow. It is like another world.

We have our windows open today it is so warm, 68F. I didn't feel bad taking down the Chrismas decorations becasue it felt like spring. I'm gonna look at your slide show later...

kris said...

I just watched your slideshow - wonderful!!! Your gardens are so pretty and welcoming - this is a very nice way to share them. Thanks!