Our trip began at Pennemon Pond in Township 26 at the camp of our friends. (Mainer's call their lakeside cabins *camps*) It was a beautiful day - a bit warm for October. The foliage color was high, but not quite yet at peak.

We started out on the dirt logging roads that criss cross the entire state. Good thing we had the Maine Gazeteer with us or we would have been woefully lost! The Gazeteer is a very detailed road map showing all the major roads as well as the tiniest dirt roads all over the State. We were in some pretty remote back roads on our way up to Grand Lake Stream, a small village noted for its many Maine Guides and fly fishing.

Monday is the beginning of Moose hunting season, so we passed quite a few trucks full of hunters scouting out possible places to hunt come Monday. We had hoped to spy a few moose ourselves, but only with the intent of shooting them with a camera. Alas, we spotted nary a one, with the exception of this poor fella, who had obviously been there quite some time.

Our trip, however, was graced with such beautiful vistas and color that we really didn't miss not seeing much wildlife.

Along the way, in a really remote part of the drive, we came upon this sign. Mainers are ever enterprising and this bit of advertising caught our eye and gave us a chuckle or two.

These beverages are being kept cool by the constant drip of an ice cold spring. How clever is that?

Sodas are sold on the honor system - yep, that still works up here in the north woods.

I thought this was an ingenious way to keep the cookies out of the critters reach, however, I'm sure any really enterprising raccoon could figure out how to get them.
We came upon this huge field of asters and I couldn't stop taking pictures.

This bumblebee didn't have to travel far at all for his dinner.

Upon return to our friend's camp, we were treated to a late lunch of yummy pot roast with roasted root vegetables and salad, fresh from their garden and a lovely Chardonnay to toast the day.
And so ended a perfect day. Life is soooooo good.