And, into the oven they went!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Pizza Night!
And, into the oven they went!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Here We Go Again
The cats and I are looking out the office windows and there are two huge crows sitting on a branch just outside. Spike and Sluggo are transfixed! Their tails are slowly twitching, their bodies tensing, ready to strike, if only they had the opportunity. Alas, such are only the dreams of house kitties.
And here it is just last week. That huge pile of snow is hiding it. I'm only 5 ft tall, so you can see how big the pile is. If we get the expected amount of snow today, it will be taller than me.
H is making pizza today, so the house will be redolent with the aromas of freshly baked pizza dough, herbs and spicy sauce. As for me, I may not even get out of my jammies today!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
For Those Less Fortunate

H and I try to do our share, but nothing near what Mom and Daddy do. For our part, we volunteer at the local animal shelter, The Ark, shuttling animals back and forth to the veterinary clinic for spaying/neutering or whatever needs to be done for these poor, unfortunate animals that have been left to fend for themselves.
For another way to help animal shelters, read below.
Feed an Animal In Need!
Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly. Visit The Animal Rescue Site every day to give a bowl of food to an abandoned animal -- at no cost to you -- and participate in the fight to save animals in need.
Funding for nutritious food, paid for by site sponsors, is generated when you click on the "Feed an Animal in Need" button on the Home page of The Animal Rescue Site at
The number of animals helped by the site depends on the number of visitors to The Animal Rescue Site. Please click every day, and encourage friends and family members to do so as well.
Please make visiting The Animal Rescue Site part of your daily routine and help spread the word to your friends and family!
We also help out at our local Veteran's Club whenever needed. Just this week, we helped fill 120 fruit baskets that would be given to elderly folks who were either home bound or had no one else with whom to share the season.

This past summer, H and I also helped landscape the front of the clinic where I work.
On a lighter note, yesterday's knitting class was once again fun and we kept our instructor quite busy with all our questions. I had been having a horrible time with the new shawl I'm knitting and had torn out the same three rows several times before becoming so frustrated I could hardly speak. I threw the thing into my bag and just waited til class. I'm happy to report that Barbara got me back on track and I'm now zipping right along again.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
The Aftermath of the Storm
Wednesday morning dawned pink and cold with a wee bit of sea smoke in the bay. It's way too early for sea smoke, but then, the temperature was down in the single digits!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Batten Down the Hatches!
H and I have been preparing for the storm all morning.
The deck was cleared to make shoveling easier
The boys were absolutely no help at all as they spent the entire morning in "romper room" activities, chasing each other through the house, stopping occasionally for a wrestling match.
All in all we've had a busy morning and now that we are finished with our storm preparations, I think we can sit back by the toasty wood stove and relax for the rest of the day. Tomorrow will be a busy one with plowing and shoveling, so we'll get plenty of exercise.
Good thing, too since Sluggo has taken to using the exercise bicycle!