In my effort to try every single recipe in the "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day" cookbook, last week I made the roasted red pepper Fougasse. I did add a few ingredients that weren't in the recipe, but the addition of chopped kalamata olives, chopped, fresh rosemary and Romano and Parmesan cheeses added another layer of flavors that were quite complimentary. The final product was deeeelicious! The bread was crunchy on the outside and chewy and flavorful on the inside. This one is definitely going on the "favorites" list.

Cabin fever and ennui set in last week, so H and I drove out to Schoodic Point just to get some sun and enjoy the beauty of the park. It was a bit too breezy and cold to walk, but just seeing the blue in the ocean and green of the spruces and pines lifted our spirits.
The Hoggemoggin Reach Yacht Club is our fun name for our neighborhood kayaking group. Our friend, JB was elected the "Commodore", since his little cabin on the shore houses all our equipment and he graciously built a rack to hold all our kayaks.

Soooo, since a paddle was most definitely out of the question this time of year, a pizza party was in order. I made a huge batch of dough, and since I didn't have room in the fridge for it, I stuck it out on the front porch to cool it enough to handle it without sticking to H's hands when he rolled it out for the pizzas.

We had veggies with salsa and a smoked salmon spread with Triscuits for appetizers and 7 pizzas with various toppings. H was the master chef, baking all the pies to perfection.

Spike and Sluggo were both on their best behavior as I think all the commotion overwhelmed them a bit. Normally, Sluggo is quite the little thug, curious and wanting to be in the middle of everything, so we were surprised at his shyness.

Poor H can't even do his daily cross word puzzle without Sluggo trying to chew on the end of his pencil.
On my daily dash up the drive, looking for signs of spring, I was thrilled to see the pussy willow in bloom! What a joy to see something coming out of it's long winter nap. It's been a dreadfully long winter and in looking back, the Farmer's Almanac's predictions for the northeast was dead on. They said we'd be having lots of storms and snow and oh, how right they were!

Life is Good -
Hugs, Giddy